Emkay's learning journal

My new journey as front-end web developer student

After two months as a Frontend web Developer student with Freecodecamp, Nerd lessons & Kevin Powell the CSS evangelist, currently a Scrimba Pro Student. I've managed to build some projects which am excited to share with the world as well motivate fellow aspirers who want to get into this field to come and join me on this adventure.

novermber 12, 2022

What is Frontend Web Development in my own words

It is the ability for someone to design responsive web applications from scratch. This involves using HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to write the webpages, CSS (Cascading StyleSheets) & finally Javascript and its libraries with a sole purpose of making these webpages interactive.

Frontend development ca be really fun if you're someone who loves legit stuff and customizing it to your own preferences. Scrimba is the best place to start with their front-end career path.

How I manage to build these projects

Getting introduced to anew concept and start building projects right away understanding what each line of code does is something not easy but if you first of all have the passion then you can combine it with your future goals if they correlate then you have the fuel to keep you going.

A special thanks to Scrimba since 90% of my projects they are due to the fact that am with them and they have helped and still firming what I already know and that I dont kniw into my grasp Not forgetting the discord community which is a vibe 🙌.

Other posts

chimpanzee, a glimpse at the river with five happy village children

january 07, 2023

Visit Uganda

I love my motherland "Uganda" and this is what I could do to express how beautiful it is and write up some reasons as to why it is the Pearl of Africa. Your free to connect with me if you want to come and visit this amazing country. I am so fine being your guide 😎.

the leads tracker extension in action

december 25, 2022

Leads tracker

A chrome extension I built as one of my first projects with Per Harold the Co-Founder of Scrimba as their pro student and it saves open browser tabs your free to check the code out and install it it on your browser thank you. It is always a humbling experience

Twimba in action

january 14, 2023


In my journey have so far managed to mimick designs of two famous applications that is twitter and instagram and the clones are Twimba and Oldagram respectively and it amazes to see how these apps behave behind the scenes and aslo check the hustle these billionaires went through for their apps to be valued at billions rightnow.